

Prairie Band, LLC Financial Controller Rockell Otero was recently recognized by the Jayhawk Area Council Boy Scouts of America as one of “Topeka’s Top 20 Under 40.” This award recognizes young leaders who are improving the future of Topeka.

In addition to her role as Financial Controller for Prairie Band, LLC, Rockell Otero serves on Mill Creek‘s board as both secretary and CFO. Most of Rockell’s time is spent within the Contracting Division of Prairie Band, LLC. The Contracting Division focuses on project management, business development, and strategy planning.

Outside of her work for Prairie Band, LLC, Rockell is very engaged in the Topeka community. She is treasurer for Junior League of Topeka, a member of Topeka United, a cluster coach for the Topeka Mosaic Partnership, and a graduate of Leadership Greater Topeka, Class of 2020. Rockell and her husband also coach recreational basketball for 5th grade boys. They are working to build a basketball program that offers opportunity to all athletes without barriers.

Mill Creek is proud to have one of “Topeka’s Top 20 Under 40” leaders on our team. To get to know a little more about Rockell, read her answers to our get-to-know-you questions below.

What do you love about your work?

I love being a part of an organization that is filled with a driven workforce working towards our mission to maximize the unique sovereign status of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation to expand and diversify the economic portfolio of the Nation. With the ultimate goal of Tribal economic self-sufficiency, Prairie Band, LLC adheres to the following core principles: respect the past, capitalize on current opportunities, and contribute to a stable economic future for the Nation. It is an important mission that I take a lot of pride in working towards. The hard work we put in, the profits we generate, the jobs we create, the taxes generated, all of this and more continue to build a strong economic portfolio for the Nation.

What do you do for fun?

Anything I can enjoy with my family. We go in a lot of different directions so when we can all be together and enjoying something, I am most at peace. We explore trails and parks, attend community events like First Friday or Eats and Beats, and visit places like the Zoo and Discovery Center. At home we enjoy movie nights and cooking or baking together. We are all competitive and even though competition might end with someone crying or mad, we still love the challenge.

What is your most used emoji?

My most used emoji is the purple heart. Purple is my favorite color and I always add some love <3 to the end of my messages. Runner-ups are the eyeroll and annoyed face.